About Us - Learn more about Silent Underground Studio

Silent Underground Studio was unofficially opened in 2007 by sound engineer / drummer / guitarists - Daniel Waldmann.
At that time, Daniels simple goal was to have a small but powerful home recording space where professional quality productions could be produced for the lowest possible cost for friends and family.
In an attempt to grow the studio and gain a broader reach online, basic gear demo videos for Youtube started being produced and by 2010 workload had dramatically increased due to the expansion of services and growth via social media.
SilentUndergroundStudio.com was officially registered as a fully functioning international online mixing and mastering recording studio in 2011 and while the facility had been dramatically improved and upgraded, with clients now coming in from all around the world, the core values and vision still remained the same from its humble beginnings - To have a facility that could produce high quality productions for the lowest possible feasible cost to the customer.
In 2013, amongst regular studio work, the studio landed content creation contracts for a handful of BIG name brands, in the order of 500+ total videos combined. This was set to mark the year as the busiest by far up to that point.
News also came out from our contacts at Fractal Audio Systems that the studio had played a pretty decent role in getting Metallica excited about potentially using the AXE FX II units on the road after James caught wind of our #CloneTones video series.
We were also able to do some programming for Judas Priestess guitarists - Rena Sands (John Petruccis wife) and PigDestroyer guitars - Scott Hull during the year.

By the end of 2014 the studio was able to replace the gear that had been sold off, and make dramatic expansions so that live drum tracking could be offered as a service, with all new dedicated drums, mics, mixers, converters etc...
On January 1st 2015 at 12:01am Silent Underground Studio was publicly relaunched with a new site, new services and new videos.
Since the relaunch we have starting working again with the Kemper Profiling Amp, and have recently added a Headrush Pedalboard (with the help of our friends at Elfa Australia) this has allowed us to greatly expand our digital product range.

Initially demoing the Line6 HD-Pro in videos on Youtube, a small, but dedicated fan-base began to develop. It was at this point that arrangements with BMusic Australia were made to start producing higher quality demo videos for various pieces of gear they were willing to supply - Digitech iPB10, Kemper etc...
With BMusics help, over a quarter of a million video views were logged in the first 12 months of producing these new demos.
This growing popularity helped the studio to form relationships with, among others, Fractal Audio Systems, EMG pickups, Orange Amplifiers and Independent Music.

Towards the very end of 2013, due to personal conflicts in Daniels life, the studio was abruptly forced to close its doors after just 2 years of being officially open.
All unfinished contracts had to be repaid and almost 3 quarters of the studios gear had to be moved on to cover mounting fees caused by the closure.
After battling through a nightmarish 2014, Daniel made the decision to re launch the studio. This time bigger and better, with more services offered.
The first priority leading to the re-open was to reconnect with Fractal Audio Systems and Independent Music to guarantee we would have a Fractal Audio product in house ready to rock at a time of relaunch.